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2024-07-11 08:09| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

被Scientific Reports意外拒掉了

已有 20590 次阅读 2014-10-8 23:20 |系统分类:科研笔记

 上次投稿的文章按照杂志提供的链接,转投到了编辑推荐的Scientific Reports,一审速度很快,不到一个月便有了审稿意见。一个审稿人提了点小意见,态度良好。另一审稿人提的意见也不多,需要补实验,但只是大致指出要补实验的方向,没有说明具体的实验设计等;问题是他说要补实验时,后面跟了个省略号(...),感觉很随意。编辑给了大修。



Your manuscript entitled "。。。" has now been reviewed. A copy of the reviewers comments are appended below. In the light of their advice I regret to inform you that we cannot publish your manuscript in Scientific Reports. You will see that, while your work is of interest, substantive concerns were raised that suggest that your paper does not fulfill the publication requirements for Scientific Reports that is, that papers must be technically sound in method and analysis. Unfortunately, these reservations are sufficiently important to preclude publication of this study in Scientific Reports. Thank you for the opportunity to consider your work. I am sorry that we cannot be more positive on this occasion and hope you will not be deterred from submitting future work to Scientific Reports. Best regards, Jon Lane Editorial Board Member Scientific Reports


https://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-852706-834074.html 上一篇:选对期刊很重要!下一篇:文章终于发表于Osteoarthritis and Cartilage杂志! 收藏 IP: 113.116.123.*| 热度|




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